Tomorrow, we will have a talk on different subject, but this will be an interesting for everyone who will be participating in the program. A senior surveyor/Geomatic engineer Mr. Punya Prasad OLI will be delivering a lecture on “Efficient survey techniques for engineers and researchers”. He has done Master’s degree in Land Surveying in the year 1972 from North East London Polytechnic, London, U.K. He was a former Director General (DG), Chief of Survey Department, GoN. He is interested to address following points in his lecture.
- Mt. Everest height measurement survey
- RL change (coordinate change) due to earthquake (Block shifting)
- Glacier Lake and River Survey
- LiDAR to map River bametry
- National boundary survey
- Survey for local boundary fixing
- Engineering survey-Building, Bridge, Hydro-power, Road, Irrigation, Water supply etc.
- Coordinate change on Tunnel alignment (Tunnel Survey)
- Differential GPS
- Data Logging-Total Station and other survey instruments
Program Detail:
Guest: Mr. Punya Prasad OLI (Master’s Degree in Land Surveying, 1972, North East London Polytechnic, London, U.K. and Former Director General (DG), Chief of Survey Department, GoN.)
Topic of Lecture: “Efficient Survey Techniques for Engineers and Researchers”
Date: July 14, 2019 (A.D.) or Ashad 29, 2076 (B.S.) SUNDAY
Time: 4:00 pm onward (Arrival Time: 10 min. to 4:00 pm)
Venue: F-Hall (F-Block, GF) Pulchowk Campus, IoE, T.U.
Thanks in advance for your participation and interaction with our Guest.