
Gokarna Bahadur MOTRA, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1989; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 1991; Ph.D.-Structure/Earthquake Engineering, 2012

Designation: Professor

Position: Head of Department, Former Program Coordinator- Structural Engineering, Former Campus Chief- W.R.C., Pokhara, Former Member- Departmental Research Committee (D.R.C.), I.O.E., Pulchowk Campus & Former Campus Chief- Pulchowk Campus

Fields of Expertise: Earthquake Resistant Design, Vibration Control and Energy Dissipation of Structures etc.

Fields of Interest: Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Vibration Control of Structures/Machines, Soil-Structure Interaction, U.R.M. Structures etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Strength of Materials, Solid Mechanics, Theory of Structures I & II, Structural Dynamics, Seismic Resistant Design of Structures, Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851132966 (Mobile)

Email: gmotra@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Kshitij C. SHRESTHA, Ph. D.

Educational Background: B.Eng. (Civil, 2004); M. Eng. (Structural Engineering, 2007); Ph. D. (Structural Engineering, 2011)

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Deputy Head of Department

Fields of Expertise/Interest: Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Reinforced Concrete, Construction Material;

Teaching: Structural Engineering, Reinforced Concrete Structure, Design of Steel and Timber Structure, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structure, Nonlinear Analysis of Structure

Contact Nos.: (+977-1) 554-3070 (Office) & (+977) 98-61772717 (Mobile/Viber)


Research & Publication:



Ram Krishna REGMI, Ph.D., Post Doctorate

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2000; M.Sc.-Water Resources Engineering, 2005; Ph.D.– Water Resources Engineering, 2011 & Post-Ph.D.-Water Resources Engineering, 2014 & 2016

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Deputy Head of Department

Fields of Expertise: Reservoir optimization and sedimentation modelling, Urban flood inundation modelling and water quality modelling, Physical and numerical simulations on rainfall induced soil erosion and sediment transport, slope failure; and formation and failure of landslide dam etc.

Fields of Interest: Water Resource Systems: simulation and optimization modeling, optimal operations of single and multi-reservoir systems, irrigation; hydropower; flood control, water distribution systems, multi-criterion decision making, sustainability analysis, Surface Water Hydrology- modeling and forecasting of hydrologic & climatic variables, risk analysis of floods & droughts, climate change impacts on watersheds/river basins, Hydrogeology and Sediment transport: Physical and Numerical Modelling, Urban Water Environment: quality, impacts, and mitigation of urban water system etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Hydropower Engineering (B.E.), Applied Hydrology, Headworks and Hydraulic Structures (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9860267834 (Mobile)

Email: rkregmi@pcampus.edu.np; rkregmi@engineer.com

Research & Publication:


Prem Chandra JHA, Ph.D. 

Educational Background: M.Sc.-Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 1991; Ph.D.-Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology, 1996

Designation: Professor

Position: Former Deputy Head of Department, Former Head of Department, Coordinator-Preparatory Committee of M. Sc. In Land and Water Engineering Program of Agricultural Engineering Department at Purwanchal Campus, Dharan

Fields of Expertise: Hydrology, Irrigation, Watershed Management etc.

Fields of Interest: Flood Forecasting, Irrigation Intakes etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Engineering Hydrology, Irrigation and Drainage, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management, Hill Irrigation Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851133830 (Mobile)

Email: pcj@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Bharat Raj PAHARI, Ph.D., Post Doctorate 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1991; M.Sc.-Energy Efficient Building, 1997; Ph.D.-Engineering Education, 2008, Post-Ph.D.-Policy Planning & Quality Management, 2010

Designation: Professor

Position: Former Member- IOE executive committee, Former Dean, I.O.E., T.U., Former Chief- Consultancy Services, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus & Former Director- Center for Energy Studies (C.E.S.) & Member-Departmental Research Committee (D.R.C.), Former Governing Member- Nepal Engineering Council

Fields of Expertise:  Energy Efficiency in the Building, Policy Planning and Total Quality Management, Quality of Engineering & Technical Education and Quality Assurance System, Project Development, Implementation, Direction and Monitoring, Contract Management of Engineering Works etc.

Fields of Interest: Climate Responsive Building Design/ Green Building/ Passive Design/ Energy Efficient Building Design/ Construction Materials, Engineering Education /Technical & Vocational Education, Quality Assurance and Control, The Economics of Academia, Industry & Profession, Professionalism and Professional Practice etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Energy Efficiency in Building,  Climatology, Solar system, Building Science, Building technology, Construction management, Hydrology, Material science, Quality management, Quality Assurance System, Engineering Professional Practice, Research Methodology etc.

Contact Nos..+977-9851108579 (Mobile)

Email: brpahari@ioe.edu.np, bharatpahari@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Gokarna Bahadur MOTRA, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1989; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 1991; Ph.D.-Structure/Earthquake Engineering, 2012

Designation: Professor

Position: Program Coordinator- Structural Engineering, Former Campus Chief- W.R.C., Pokhara, Former Campus Chief- Pulchowk Campus, Head – Departmental Research Committee (D.R.C.), Head of Department (Current)

Fields of Expertise: Earthquake Resistant Design, Vibration Control and Energy Dissipation of Structures etc.

Fields of Interest: Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Vibration Control of Structures/Machines, Soil-Structure Interaction, U.R.M. Structures etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Strength of Materials, Solid Mechanics, Theory of Structures I & II, Structural Dynamics, Seismic Resistant Design of Structures, Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851132966 (Mobile)

Email: gmotra@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Hari Darshan SHRESTHA, Ph.D.

Educational Background: M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 1991; Ph.D.-Civil Engineering, 2016

Designation: Professor


Fields of Expertise: Structural engineering and Disaster Risk Management etc.

Fields of Interest: Structural engineering and Disaster Risk Management etc.

Subjects of Teaching:  Civil, Structural engineering and Disaster Risk Management etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9841554066 (Mobile)

Email: harisunita@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Devi Prasad BHATTARAI 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1990; M.Sc.-Water Resources Engineering, 2005; Ph.D. Fellow- Water Resources Engineering

Designation: Professor, On leave

Position: Former Head of Department-I.O.E., Dharan Engineering Campus, Former Assistant Educational Officer-Engineering Educational Project (E.E.P.) I.O.E. Dharan, Former Assistant Campus Chief-I.O.E. Dharan Engineering Campus, Former Campus Chief-I.O.E. Dharan Engineering Campus, Former Director- Center of Pollution Studies, I.O.E. Pulchowk Campus

Fields of Expertise: Water Resource Management

Fields of Interest: Irrigation Engineering

Subjects of Teaching: Hydrology; Irrigation Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..+977-1-6638416 (Home) & +977-9851003525 (Mobile)

Email: dpbhattarai@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Bhola Nath Sharma GHIMIRE, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1995; M.Sc.-Hydrometer, 2006, Ph.D.-Water Resources, 2014

Designation: Professor

Position: Former Lab-Incharge, W.R.C., Pokhara, Former Assistant Campus Chief, W.R.C., Pokhara, Former Program Coordinator-Hydro-power Engineering, Former Director-CARD

Fields of Expertise: Hydro-power, Water Resources etc.

Fields of Interest: Hydro-power, Water Resources etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Hydro-power Engineering, System Engineering, Hydro-power System etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851214646 (Mobile)

Email: bholag@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Shubh Narayan PATHAK, Ph.D.

Educational Background: M.Sc. – Hydrotechnical (Civil) Engineering, 1991; M.Sc. – Hydropower Planning and Development, 1998; Ph.D. – Rock Mechanics, 2003; Post Doctorate – Rock Mechanics, 2011

Designation: Professor

Position: Former Dean, Purbanchal University, Nepal

Fields of Expertise: Landslide analysis and control

Fields of Interest:  Risk analysis of landslides for Himalayan conditions

Subjects of Teaching:  Rock Engineering, Rock Slope Engineering

Contact Nos..: +977- 9851231555 (Mobile)

Email: pathakshubh@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Vishnu Prasad PANDEY, Ph.D. 

Educational Background: B.Eng. (Civil, 2004); M. Eng. (Water Engineering and Management), 2007); Ph. D. (Integrated River Basin Management, 2010)

Designation: Professor

Positions Held: Governing Board Member of Nepal Engineering Council (June 2019 – todate)

Fields of Expertise/Interest: Hydrology; Water Resources Management; Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Resilience; Groundwater Development and Management;

Teaching: Engineering Hydrology; Hydropower Engineering; Irrigation Engineering

Contact Nos.: (+977-1) 554-3070 (Office) & (+977) 984-131-8939 (Mobile/Viber/WhatsApp)

Email: vishnu.pandey@pcampus.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pp_w84AAAAAJ&hl=en

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35325070000

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vishnu_Pandey

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5258-7446

Kamal Bahadur THAPA, Ph.D. 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1993; Ph.D.-Civil, 2010

Designation: Professor, Currently at Purwanchal Campus

Position: Former Head of Department

Fields of Expertise: Structural Mechanics

Fields of Interest: Structural Engineering.

Subjects of Teaching: Structural Analysis (Determinate and Indeterminate), RCC, Steel and Timber, Applied mechanics, Computational Techniques etc.

Contact No..: +977-9843299612 (Mobile)

Email: kamal.thapa@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:


Hari Ram PARAJULI, Ph.D., Post Doctorate 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1998; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 2002; Ph.D.-Structural Engineering, 2009; Post-Ph.D.-Lifeline Risk Management, 2012

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Former Campus Chief-Thapathali Campus, IOE, T.U., Former NRA-member

Fields of Expertise: Analysis and Design of Structures and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings etc.

Fields of Interest: Structural/Earthquake Engineering, Lifeline Risk Management etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering and Finite Element Analysis, Earthquake Risk Assessment etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851073602 (Mobile)

Email: hariram.parajuli@gmail.comhariparajuli@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:


Abhimanyu Lal SINGH 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1991; M.Sc.– Urban Planning, 2010, PH.D-Fellow– Water Shed Management

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Chief-Central Material Testing Laboratory (CMTL)

Fields of Expertise: Civil and Urban Planning etc.

Fields of Interest: Water Shed Management, Urban Planning, Transportation Engineering etc.

Subjects of Teaching:  Survey- I and II, Water Supply, Transportation etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851132040 (Mobile)

Email: alsingh@ioe.edu.np 

Research & Publication: 


Narayan BASNET

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1991 ; M.Sc.-Environmental Engineering, 2003

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Former Chairman-Survey Instruction Committee

Fields of Expertise: Topographical survey (Building, Road, Bridge etc.)

Fields of Interest: GIS, Remote Sensing etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Survey I & II, III year survey Project, Water supply Engineering, Sanitary Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..:+977-9841799843 (Mobile)

Email: nbasnet@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Jagat Kumar SHRESTHA, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1992; M.B.A-Business Administration, 1996; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 1998; M.A.-Economics, 1999; Ph.D.-Civil Engineering, 2013

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Director-CIDS (Current), Former Assistant Dean, I.O.E., T.U.

Fields of Expertise: Design of Roads, Building and Bridge Structures etc.

Fields of Interest: Structures and Environment, Rural Technology and Operations Research etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Concrete Technology and Masonry Structures, Computer Aided Design, Finite Element Method, Operations Research etc.

Contact Nos..:+977-1-4027654 (Home) & +977-9851161350 (Mobile)

Email: jagatshrestha@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Bharat MANDAL, Ph.D. 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1994; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 1998; Ph.D.-Structural Engineering, 2015

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Former Heavy Lab In-charge, Former Program Coordinator- Structural Engineering, Former Head- Departmental Research Committee (D.R.C.), I.O.E., Pulchowk Campus, Former Head of Department

Fields of Expertise: Structural Analysis and Design of Bridge (R.C.C., P.S.C., Steel, Suspension) and Building, Telecommunication Tower, Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofit Design, Quality Assessment and Testing of Structural Material etc.

Fields of Interest: Structural Health Monitoring, Column Index Tool for Vulnerability of Medium Size Building, Pounding Effect of Bridge Deck, Behavior of Pile-Well Combination, Search for Ideal Material to reduce Pounding etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Resistant Design, Design of Steel and Timber Structure, Concrete Technology, Design of R.C.C. Structure, Structural Engineering Lab etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-1-5525477 (Office) & +977-9851168252 (Mobile)

Email: bharat@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:


Rajan SUWAL, Ph.D., Post Doctorate

Educational Background: M.Sc.– Civil and Industrial Engineering, 1993; Ph.D.-Structural Engineering, 1998; Post- Ph.D.– Earthquake Damage Building, Structural Engineering, 2016

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Former Deputy Head, Institute of Engineering Consultancy Services; Former Principal, Khwopa Engineering College; Former Member, Faculty Board of Science and Technology of Tribhuvan University, Former Member, Civil Engineering Subject Committee of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University and Member, Departmental Research Committee (DRC), Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Program Coordinator-Structural Engineering (Current)

Fields of Expertise:  Structural Analysis and Design of High-raised Buildings, Industrial Buildings, RC and Steel Bridges, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting Design of Buildings, Academic Leadership Role of Institutions etc.

Fields of Interest: Earthquake Damage Study of Traditional and Modern Building and Monuments, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting Design of Buildings and Monuments, Innovative and Optimum Design of High-raised Buildings and Bridges etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Advanced Structural Analysis(MSc), Design of Industrial Structures(MSc), Structural Dynamics(ME), Earthquake Resistant Design(ME), Advanced Concrete Technology(MSc), Design of RC Structures(BE), Design of Steel and Timber Structures(BE), Theory of Structure I(BE), Theory of Structure II(BE), Applied Mechanics(BE), Strength of Materials(BE), Design of Masonry Structures(BE) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851111308 (Mobile)

Email: rajan_suwal@yahoo.com; rajan_suwal@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Indra Prasad ACHARYA, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2000; M. Tec.– Civil Engineering, 2009; Ph.D.-Civil Engineering, 2015

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Campus Chief

Fields of Expertise:  Slope Stability, Soil Liquefaction, Foundation Design, Material Engineering etc.

Fields of Interest: Related to Geo-Technical Engineering Problems etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering (B.E.), Advanced Soil Mechanics, Advanced Foundation Engineering, Advanced Numerical Method, Ground Improvement Technique, Advanced Geo-Technical Exploration and Testing (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-1-5011030 (Office) & +977-9841565634 (Mobile)

Email: indrapd@ioe.edu.np 

Research & Publication:

Kshitij C. SHRESTHA, Ph. D.

Educational Background: B.Eng. (Civil, 2004); M. Eng. (Structural Engineering, 2007); Ph. D. (Structural Engineering, 2011)

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Deputy Head of Department

Fields of Expertise/Interest: Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Reinforced Concrete, Construction Material;

Teaching: Structural Engineering, Reinforced Concrete Structure

Contact Nos.: (+977-1) 554-3070 (Office) & (+977) 98-61772717 (Mobile/Viber)


Research & Publication:




Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2002; M.Sc.-Water Resources Engineering, 2004; Ph.D. Water Resources Engineering, 2020

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Assistant Dean (Exam), Former Deputy Chief of Examination-Examination Control Division, I.O.E., Former Chief- Institute of Engineering Consultancy Services (IECS), Institute of Engineering

Fields of Expertise:  Irrigation Design, Hydro-power Design, Road Design, Bridge Hydrological Analysis, GIS Applications etc.

Fields of Interest:  Water Resources, Hydrology, Hydro-power Engineering, Hazard Mapping etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Hydrology, Irrigation, Hydro-power etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851212144 (Mobile)

Email: klsuraj@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Shukra Raj PAUDEL

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2003; M.Sc.-Environmental Engineering, 2006

Designation: Associate Professor

Position: Former Assist Campus Chief (Academic), Program Coordinator-Environmental Engineering, Former Deputy-Head of the Department

Fields of Expertise: Design of Small Town Water Supply System, Wastewater Treatment (Biological, Physiochemical), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Nitrogen Recovery, Biofuel, Environmental Bioengineering, Investigation of Earthquake Precursors etc.

Fields of Interest: Biological Nutrient Removal (Nitrification, Denitrification and ANAMMOX Process), Fate and Transport of Hazardous Substances  in the Subsurface, Biodegradation and Bioremediation, Microbial Fuel Cell, Climate Change, Waste to Energy, Membrane Technology, Biological Modeling and Optimization, Water and  Wastewater Treatment (Biological, Physiochemical Process), Anaerobic and Aerobic Digestion, Groundwater Chemistry, Earthquake Precursors etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Wastewater Engineering (Sanitary Engineering), Water Supply Engineering, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Solid Waste Management, Technology Environment and Society (TES), Hydropower Engineering, Strength of Material, Applied Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics) etc.

Contact Nos..+977-9851220184 (Mobile)

Email: srpaudel@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:




Educational Background: M.Sc.-Hydraulic Structure, 1995

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Deputy Chief of Examination-Examination Control Division I,O,E.

Fields of Expertise: Water Resources

Fields of Interest: Water Resources

Subjects of Teaching: Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Irrigation, etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-4360292 (Home) & +977-9841429949 (Mobile)

Email: mdrsuresh24@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Sushil Kumar BHANDARI   

Educational Background: M.Sc.-Geo-technical Engineering, 1998

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Deputy Chief of Examination-Examination Control Division I,O,E.

Fields of Expertise:  Design of Suspension Bridge

Fields of Interest: Design of Suspension Bridge

Subjects of Teaching: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Contact Nos..:+977-1-5202763 (Home) & +977-9849699233 (Mobile)

Email: sushilbhandu@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Santosh Kumar SHRESTHA

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1992; M.Sc.-Construction Management, 1998; Ph.D. Fellow- Construction Management

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Deputy Head of Department

Fields of Expertise: Construction Management, Economic Analysis, Public Procurement etc.

Fields of Interest: Contract Management, Procurement, Safety and Productivity in Construction etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Construction Management, Engineering Economics and Project Management etc.

Contact Nos..+977-1-4602072 (Home) & +977-9851115581 (Mobile)

Email: skshrestha@ioe.edu.np; skshrestha1969@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Mahendra Raj DHITAL

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1997; M.Sc.-Construction Management, 2011; Ph.D. Fellow- Construction Management

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Deputy Director- Center for Infrastructure Development Studies (C.I.D.S.), Program Coordinator- Construction Management

Fields of Expertise:  Preparation of DPR in various projects, University Enterprise Linkage etc.

Fields of Interest:  Construction, Conflict Reduction, Cost Schedule Reduction, Quality and Safety Management etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Project Engineering, Construction Management, Engineering Economics, Applied Mechanics etc.

Contact Nos..:+977-1-5539256 (Home) & +977-9841806109(Mobile)

Email: mrdhital@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Mukesh Raj KAFLE, Ph. D.    

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1999; M.Sc.-Water Resources Engineering, 2005; Ph.D. Hydro-power Engineering, 2021

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Project Manager- Lumbini Development Trust, Deputy-General Secretary- Nepal Engineers Association (N.E.A.), Board of Directors- Nepal Electricity Authority (N.E.A.), Former Managing Director- Nepal Electricity Authority (N.E.A.), Program Coordinator- Hydropower Engineering (Current)

Fields of Expertise:  Planning and Management of Water Resources etc.

Fields of Interest: Hydro-power Planning, Flood Risk Management etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Hydro-power, Strength of Material etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851041278 (Mobile)

Email: mukeshrkafle@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Basanta Raj ADHIKARI, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.Sc.-Geology, 2001; M.Sc.– Engineering Geology,2003; Ph.D.-Engineering Geology, 2009

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Member- Departmental Research Committee (D.R.C.), I.O.E., Pulchowk Campus, Program Coordinator- Disaster Risk Management (Current)

Fields of Expertise: Engineering Geology, Geo-technical engineering,Sediment transport in the Nepal Himalaya, Change in River Morphology, Natural hazards in the Himalaya, Disaster Risk Reduction, Landslide Risk assessment, Landslide Early Warning Systems etc.

Fields of Interest: Evolution of Himalaya, Engineering Geology, Geo-technical engineering, Sediment transport in the Nepal Himalaya, Change in River Morphology, Natural hazards in the Himalaya, Structural geology, Disaster Risk Management, Disaster Risk Reduction etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Engineering Geology, Landslide, Disaster Risk Reduction etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851133510 (Mobile)

Email: bradhikari@pcampus.edu.np, bradhikari@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Pawan Kumar BHATTARAI, Ph.D. 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2002; M.Sc.-Hydro-power Development, 2008; Ph.D.-Civil Engineering, 2015

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Deputy Head of Department, Former Civil Engineering Subject Committee Member, Program Coordinator-Water Resources Engineering (Current)

Fields of Expertise: Hydraulic Design, Climate Change Analysis, Seepage Analysis in Dams, Hydraulic Modelling etc.

Fields of Interest: Hydro-power Hydraulics, Climate Change, Hydro-power Planning, Sedimentation Embankment Hydraulics etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Fluid Mechanics. Hydraulics, Hydro-power Engineering, Computational Techniques (B.E.), Advanced Hydraulics, Hydraulic Structures, Hydro-Power Engineering, Climate Change and Hydro-power (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851212321 (Mobile)

Email: nepal.pawan@gmail.com

Research & Publication:


Educational Background: B.E.-Civil,

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise: Structure

Fields of Interest: Structure

Subjects of Teaching: Theory of Structure I & Theory of Structure II

Contact Nos..: +977-9843643910 (Mobile)

Email: pradeepkoirala@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Santosh Kumar YADAV, Ph. D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2002; M.Sc.-Geo-Technical Engineering, 2005; Ph.D. Geo-Technical Engineering, 2020

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Program Coordinator-Geo-technical Engineering

Fields of Expertise:  Slope Stability and Design, Tunnel Design, Foundation Design of Building and Bridges etc.

Fields of Interest: Tunnel, Soft Soil, Rock Mechanics, Numerical Modeling etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Soil mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Rock Engineering (B.E.), Ground Exploration and Testing (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..

Email: yadavsantoshkr@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:



Educational Background: B.E.-Highway and Urban Road Engineering, 1997; M.Sc.– Urban Traffic Planning and Management, 2004

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Program Coordinator-Transportation Engineering

Fields of Expertise: Traffic Engineering, Road Safety etc.

Fields of Interest: Transportation Engineering

Subjects of Teaching: Transportation Engineering I, Transportation Engineering II, Transportation Planning and Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Management, Traffic and Transport Modeling, Traffic Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851013963 (Mobile)

Email: anilmarsani@ioe.edu.np 

Research & Publication:

Siddhartha SHANKAR

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1999; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 2007, Ph.D. Fellow-Structural Engineering

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Former Chief- Central Material Testing Laboratory (C.M.T.L), I.O.E., Pulchowk Campus

Fields of Expertise: Analysis and Design of High-Rise Building and Pre-stressed Concrete etc.

Fields of Interest: Finite Element Analysis of Multi-storied Composite Structures, Advanced Teaching Method for Quality education etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Theory of structure I, Theory of Structure II, Concrete Technology and Masonry Structure, Design of Reinforced and Concrete Structures, Building Projects (B.E.), Structure III and structure IV (Architecture), Advanced Concrete Technology and Design (M.Sc.), Structural Engineering Practical (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9841572917 (Mobile)

Email: siddharth@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Prakash Chandra GHIMIRE 

Educational Background: M.Sc. in Geology, 2000

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Chief-Continuing Education Division (C.E.D.), I.O.E., Pulchowk

Fields of Expertise:  Engineering Geology, Rock Engineering, Rock Mechanics etc.

Fields of Interest:  Geology, Engineering Geology, Rock Engineering, Rock Mechanics, Bioengineering etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Geology, Engineering Geology, Rock Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9840000166 (Mobile)

Email: pcghimire@ioe.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Madhu Sudan K.C. 

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2008; M.Sc.-Geo-technical Engineering, 2011, Ph.D. Fellow-Geotechnical Engineering

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise:  High-Rise Building and Bridges, Slope stabilization etc.

Fields of Interest:  Soil-Structure interaction, Slope stability etc.

Subjects of Teaching:  Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering (B.E.), Advanced Ground Exploration and Testing (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-14026033 (Home) & +977-9851123477 (Mobile)

Email: madhu_2004@hotmail.com

Research & Publication:

Pradeep Kumar SHRESTHA, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2002; M.Sc.-Transportation Engineering, 2005; Ph.D.-civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering), 2009

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Chief- Research and Training Unit (RTU), Former Deputy Head of Department

Fields of Expertise: Highway Design, Public transportation design and operation, Traffic Simulation, and Road Safety etc.

Fields of Interest: Transportation Planning, Public transportation design and operation, Traffic Simulation, and Road Safety etc.

Subjects of Teaching: B.E.- Transportation Engineering I and II, MSc.- Transportation Engineering, Computer Simulation Application in Transportation Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9860403810 (Mobile)

Email: pradeep.shrestha@pcampus.edu.np

Research & Publication:

Saraswati THAPA

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, ; M.Sc.– Water Resources Engineering; Post Graduate Diploma- Urban Land Development, 2015; PhD Fellow – Water Resources Engineering

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Deputy Chief- Institute of Engineering Consultancy Services (IECS), Institute of Engineering

Fields of Expertise: GIS Mapping, Hydrological Analysis, Flood Inundation/Hazards analysis and mapping, Hydrological Modeling, Water Recourses Mapping etc.

Fields of Interest: In the field of water resources engineering and integrated water resources management, impacts of climate change, Hydrological modeling using observed as well as satellite recorded data, Flood Inundation/Hazards mapping with early warning system, Hydrological Analysis and GIS mapping etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Fluid Mechanics (B.E.), Hydraulics (B.E.), Engineering Hydrology (B.E.), Time Series Analysis (B.E.), Project on Prefeasibility study of Hydropower (B.E.) etc.

Contact Nos..+977-1-5530769 (Office) & +977-9841973046 (Mobile)

Email: saraswati.thapa@pcampus.edu.np & sarathapa001@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Ram Chandra TIWARI, Ph.D., Post Doctorate

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 1999; M.A. Sociology, 2002; M.Sc.-Geo-technical Engineering, 2007; Ph.D.-Geo-technical Engineering, 2013 & Post-Ph.D.-Geo-technical Earthquake Engineering, 2019

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise: Ground Improvement Techniques, Disaster Risk Mitigation-Landslides and GLOFS, Analysis and Design of Substructures-Buildings and Bridges, Construction of Buildings and Bridges etc.

Fields of Interest: Ground Improvement Techniques, Slope Stability Methods and Applications, Landslide Mitigation Measures, Soil-Erosion Study, Rock Avalanche Study, Rock-fall Study, Landslide Dam Failure Analysis, GLOF, Stability of Multi-stage Excavation, Tunnel Support System, Settlement Analysis, Soil-structure Interaction, Seismic Soil-liquefaction, Soil-bioengineering Techniques, Seismic Ground Response Analysis, Geophysical Study, Seismology and Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Soil Mechanics (B.E.), Foundation Engineering (B.E.), Advanced Geo-technical Engineering (B.E.), Bio-engineering (B.E.), Disaster Risk Management (B.E.), Advanced Soil Mechanics (M.Sc.), Advanced Rock Mechanics (M.Sc.), Geo-technical Earthquake Engineering (M.Sc.), Advanced Numerical Methods (M.Sc.), Ground Improvement Techniques (M.Sc.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-1-5525477 (Office) & +977-9851102153 (Mobile)

Email: rctiwari1975@gmail.com

Research & Publication:

Bhim Kumar DAHAL, Ph.D.

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2003; M.Sc.– Geo-technical Engineering, 2011; Ph.D.-Geo-technical Engineering, 2018

Designation: Assistant Professor

Position: Chief, Curriculum Implementation and Material Development Unit (CIMDU)

Fields of Expertise: Landslide and Slope Stability Assessment, Analysis and Design of Foundation, Soil Modification, Hazard Analysis etc.

Fields of Interest: Mechanical Behavior of Soil, Modified Clay and its Application on Underground Space Development etc.

Subjects of Teaching: Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Transportation Engineering etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9851216348 (Mobile)

Email: bhimd@pcampus.edu.np 

Research & Publication:



Aakarsha KHAWAS

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil Engineering, 2014; M.Sc.– Structural Engineering, 2016, Ph.D. Fellow-Civil Engineering

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise: Earthquake Resistant Design of RCC Building

Fields of Interest: Structural Analysis and Design of Building and Bridge

Subjects of Teaching: Design of Steel and Timber Structures, Strength of Materials, Applied Mechanics, Theory of Structures (Determinate and Indeterminate), Building Technology, Final Year Project (B.E.) etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9846078585 (Mobile)

Email: aakarsha2003@yahoo.com 

Research & Publication:



Educational Background: B.E.-Civil Engineering, 2013; M.Sc.– Earthquake Engineering, 2016; , Ph.D. Fellow-Civil Engineering

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise: Earthquake Engineering, Structural Engineering

Fields of Interest: Structures

Subjects of Teaching: Strength of Material, Theory of Structures I and II, Structural Dynamics,
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Computational technique (Structure Part)

Contact Nos..: 9851174796 (Mobile)

Email: ghimiresunitag@gmail.com

Research & Publication:


Gopal Singh BHANDARI

Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2013; M.Sc.– Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, 2018

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise: Bridge Engineering, Structural Engineering

Fields of Interest: Concrete bridge, Tunneling, Transportation

Subjects of Teaching: Applied Mechanics, Applied Dynamics, Estimating and Costing

Contact Nos.: 9849667735

Email: gopal.bhandari@pcampus.edu.np

Research & Publication:


Educational Background: B.E.- Civil Engineering, 2012; M.Sc.-Structural Engineering, 2016

Designation: Assistant Professor 

Position: Deputy Chief- Central Material Testing Laboratory (C.M.T.L)

Fields of Expertise:  RCC, Steel and Bamboo Buildings; RCC, Pre-stressed and Composite Bridges

Fields of Interest: Concrete Filled Steel tube and composite structures, Bamboo structures and Vulnerability Analysis

Subjects of Teaching: Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure, Design of Steel and timber Structure, Applied Mechanics (Statics), Applied Mechanics (Dynamics), Strength Of Material, Theory Of Structure-I and II, Structure-I, II and III (Architecture), Structural Dynamics and Seismic Resistant Design

Contact Nos..:+977-9851180378 (Mobile)

Email: arun.paudel@pcampus.edu.np

Research & Publication:


Educational Background: B.E.-Civil, 2014; M.Sc.– Environmental Engineering, 2016

Designation: Assistant Professor

Fields of Expertise: Environmental Engineering

Fields of Interest: Analysis and optimization of Hydrogenotrophic Denitrification Reactor

Subjects of Teaching: Sanitary Engineering, Building Technologies and Applied Mechanics etc.

Contact Nos..: +977-9849165510 (Mobile)

Email: maharjan49rabin@gmail.com

Research & Publication: